Friday, June 6, 2008

Toe Surgery

My youngest son apparently inherited his father's toes and he suffers with ingrown toenails. In the Fall he had surgery on one of his big toes and today he had surgery on the other one. He went a lot more happily to this appointment, knowing what to expect. He says the only part that hurt was the numbing shot. He really likes to watch his toe get all swollen as the solution seeps into it though. I watched both of the removals and this one definitely was harder for me to watch. I don't know why, but it made me SICK! Hopefully this is our last trip to the foot doctor with him for a while. I thought the paper tray covers they had were pretty entertaining though.

The first surgery took place on a Friday during marching band season and being the mean mom that I am I made him attend the football game that night. I did get him excused from marching in the show, but he still had to play in the stands. His toe was still numb, so I didn't think it was a great excuse to not play and he wanted to go to watch the game. The hardest thing was finding something he could wear on his foot. Can you believe that I couldn't find a store that sells flip flops in October in Arizona? We finally bought some pedicure slippers and he wore that on the bad foot. At least this time he already owned a variety of flip flops - in assorted colors even.

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