Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hot and bothered

No, this is not an x-rated posting or anything of the sort. It is just my frustration releasing itself to the world. It is hot! It is too hot. It is so hot and I hate it. It is 113 and that is obnoxiously hot. I know I live in Tempe, Arizona. I know it is supposed to be hot here on the almost first day of summer, but that doesn't mean I have to like it and I DON'T! I don't like to be hot! It makes me grumpy. Just ask my 16 year old who had the "pleasure" of my company for almost the entire day. Which brings up the bothered part of this blog. My son's idea of doing school work bothers me. He thinks the least amount of effort put forth is the best. Yes, I know it is hot and we need to conserve our energy, but I don't think slacking on the online health class is the best way to do it. He has procrastinated to the point of almost no return and so we get to spend lots and lots of not so quality time trying to get him caught up and the assignments turned in, the chapters read, the videos watched, and the tests taken before the Thursday deadline. Ugh!! Today we both took the "Are you depressed?" quiz for one of his assignments. He scored a 3 out of 16. No depression at all. I scored a 14 out of 16. See where all this being bothered gets you!

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