Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sacrament meeting

My 16 year old son blessed the sacrament for the first time today in Sacrament meeting. He was worried about doing something wrong, but he did a great job. I hope he appreciates what a priviledge it is to be allowed to participate in this very sacred ordinance. Partaking of the sacrament and renewing our baptismal covenants are the most important reasons why we attend church each Sunday. I am grateful that he is worthy to have this opportunity and pray that he will always do his best to live his life in a way that will keep him that way.

We had a wonderful meeting today. We had a young couple speak who have not always lived the kind of lives they knew they should. The wife shared her conversion story and her husband shared how he became active again. They both bore such sweet testimonies. They, along with their year old son, were recently sealed in the temple and it is so amazing to see the changes that have taken place in their lives. His mother is one of the ladies that I went to the beach with and I know that his conversion and new lifestyle have been an answer to her many prayers. I was so touched by the spirit today. A member of the Stake Presidency also bore his testimony about the atonement and the power that it has to turn lives around. I am so grateful for the atonement and for the opportunity I have to repent and to start again every time I make a mistake. I would be lost without this great gift from my Savior.

Message to my children - Never forget that your elder brother, Jesus Christ, loves you and suffered for your sins so that you can be forgiven and begin again as many times as you need to. His love and his power are real and can change your life for good.

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