Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Curse of Party Food

I usually consider myself an OK cook. I definitely don't do fancy, but the stuff I make is usually edible, unless of course you ask my 16 year old son, then it's just disgusting because pretty much all food that doesn't come in a fast food bag is disgusting in his opinion. Anyway, back to the subject at hand. I do know how to cook and am quite capable until someone asks me to cook something for a party. Then strange things begin to happen and something always seems to go wrong or the food just doesn't end up tasting as good as it usually does. I was supposed to make 2 pineapple upside down cakes for a going away party tonight for a family in our ward. Now, I don't usually make pineapple upside down cake, but I know what it is suppose to look like and I had a recipe so I wasn't too worried. The recipe called for 1 cup of brown sugar and my 1 cup measuring cup was dirty and I didn't feel like washing it so I decided to use the 1/3 cup and being the math whiz that I am I filled it up 3 times and poured it into the melted butter, just like the recipe said. It looked like there was too much butter for the amount of sugar and I double checked the recipe and the cube markings to make sure I had used the right amount and I had. It wasn't until the first cake was in the oven and I was making the second one, that I realized the cup I had used said 1/4 instead of 1/3. I should have filled it up 4 times. It was amazing what a difference that fourth fill up made with the second cake. The first cake turned out fine and you couldn't even tell that I had made a mistake, but it is just frustrating to me that stuff like that always seems to happen. It didn't really matter though because there was lots of cake and we came home with almost as much as we took. I guess we know what we are taking for Sunday dinner at the in-laws tomorrow for dessert. My sister in law called to tell us we were having enchiladas. The hubby asked what we should bring and she said "Can you bring tacos." Does that make sense to you?? I thought it was kind of humorous. Tonight I am grateful for Breakfast Burritos - Usually I am not a big breakfast burrito fan, but my hubby bought me a bacon and potato one today from my sister in law's church food sale and it was yummy. A husband - that puts gas in the car for me so I don't have to do it and have a heart attack while watching the price numbers go around and around. Peer Pressure - usually this is not something to be grateful for, but today it got 3 of my kids out of bed and at the temple doing baptisms by 6:00 AM. Thank goodness for positive peer pressure.

1 comment:

Janaya L. Johnson said...

ahem, i just happened to be the one doing the peer pressuring, so thank you very much! <3.