Sunday, June 8, 2008

Information for Inquiring minds

Today we all went to church here in Carlsbad. We were a little surprised when we started reading the bulletin and learned that it was Fast Sunday, since we had all had Fast and Testimony meeting last week on the first Sunday of the month. We wondered if we had run across an apostate group of church members, but we quickly discovered that their stake had had stake conference last week so Fast Sunday had been pushed back a week. I always appreciate how similar LDS church meetings are regardless of what part of the country you are in. The important things are done the same, you recognize the personalities bearing their testimonies - they just look a little different and have different names. It's easy to feel at home. Many of the testimonies born today referred to the tragic death of a child in the ward. It was obvious that this experience had touched each of the ward members as well as the community. Of course, possessing the inquiring mind that I have I was very curious and wanted to know what more details. Apparently I passed this trait on to my daughter because as soon as we got back to the condo we both headed to the computer to google the name and get the rest of the story. It is amazing to me how easily accessible information is in today's world. In a matter of moments we found several newspaper articles and learned that the little boy was 2 years old and had run in front of his neighbor's car and been hit. It was very sad, but from what we heard at church many positive things have happened as a result of this accident. The counselor in the bishopric shared how the bishopric had been praying about some concerns they had about their ward and then tied in how this experience had helped to alleviate all of the problems that they were focusing on. I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for each one of us and I am looking forward to the day when I will finally understand and see the obvious wisdom in his plan for myself and those around me. Until then I will just try to have faith and strive to learn what it is I am suppose to be learning as these members of the church seem to be doing.

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