Sunday, June 15, 2008

Priesthood ordination

We all gathered in the bishop's office today after church for the small one's advancement in the Aaronic Priesthood to a priest. I think perhaps he was confused as to why we were there and thought he was being called as bishop. I personally wouldn't go anywhere near that chair. We had a missionary welcome home in sacrament meeting so the whole family and a few significant others were there for that and stayed to see him set apart. The bishop and the young men's president and priest advisor attended also. He said there were so many hands on his head it felt like his neck was going to break but he also said it was cool. He didn't even complain too much about the smashed hair when he was done. His dad did a good job and gave him a wonderful blessing. I am so lucky to have 3 priesthood holders in my home at the moment as well as a son-in-law that can participate also. It is very weird to think that my youngest child is a priest and will be blessing the sacrament next week. It doesn't seem like that long ago that I use to sit in the congregation and look at all those handsome priests on the stand. I thought they were so mature and such heart throbs. It's hard for me to think that there might be some crazy young lady looking at my son and thinking he is mature and hot. That is such a strange thought. I am glad that he is willing to accept this new opportunity and responsiblility in his life and know that he will be blessed for his service.

I guess I probably shouldn't call him the small one anymore. Pretty soon he is going to be the tallest one in the family.

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