Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Not just all fun and games

Lest you all think that I'm just spending all my time this week basking in the sun I will share with you some of my less fun activities. I have appointed myself the official trash woman of the group. I carry the full bag down the stairs and to the dumpster on a pretty regular basis. I don't want you to think that I am too noble though. I have an ulterior motive. We have a big bowl full of miniature candy bars sitting on the counter. Every time I take the trash out I reward myself with a candy bar. I wish that was the only time I stuck my hand in that bowl! I also have another job that I am responsible for. Perhaps all of you middle age women can relate with me when I say that sometimes getting my bathroom needs met on a vacation is difficult. The other morning I was very grateful to finally get some much needed relief. However, when I flushed the toilet things didn't go so well. No problem, I thought, there's a plunger right here. Well,I plunged and flushed and pailed and plunged and flushed until I was sure there was a line outside the door waiting for the bathroom. Finally I had to admit defeat and share my problem. The plumbers, apparently in CA they travel in teams, arrived pretty quickly and dispatched the plug along with some unsolicited advice on what to flush and what not to. What I flushed definitely needed to be flushed. The toilet must hate me for the pain I caused it because it works fine for everyone else, but when I use it it plugs up every time! And yes, I do know how much toilet paper to use. The plunger and I are developing a very close relationship. Don't tell my hubby. Then today the whole lid just jumped off the toilet when I got close to it. I think it has it in for me.

From the picture you can see that the trash needs taken out. It's candy bar time!

At the beach a pair of us are responsible to cook and clean up one night while we are here. Tonight was our night. We decided to make Pima Tacos. The aunties would have been proud of my daughter. She did an amazing job. I was in charge of the Fruit Pizza which turned out pretty darn good as well. I love only having to cook once this whole week. What a vacation!

Perhaps we should have put an elastic in the cook's hair before she started. What do you think?

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