Saturday, June 14, 2008

Hurry up and wait

My daughter came up with the title for this blog when we rushed to get up and packed and every thing loaded in the vehicles for the trip back to Arizona and then all sat and waited when we found out that one of the cars had a flat tire. It took a while for a decision to be made about the best course of action, but eventually AAA arrived and the problem was taken care of. Making group decisions seemed to be one of the downfalls of this trip to the beach. One of the ladies said it was kindof like trying to herd cats and I think that creates a very accurate picture. When you get a lot of very capable mothers together, who are use to making most of the decisions in their lives, you get a lot of opinions and they aren't all usually in accordance with the other. I like to call it "too many chiefs and not enough indians", but that probably would be frowned upon as not being politically correct. My daughter felt like she had 10 moms at times on this vacation, but I think we all still managed to have a great time and are sorry to see it end.

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