Friday, June 6, 2008

National Doughnut Day!

So, how many of you knew that today was National Doughnut Day? In honor of the event my youngest son and I took a field trip to the new Krispy Kreme Doughnut shop in East Mesa (right before gas took a 10 cent jump from $4.05 to $4.15 at the QT by my house). We are happy that Arizona once again has a Krispy Kreme and I am happy that it is far enough away that I am not tempted to visit very often.

I have a thought for you to help commemorate the day. I was listening to a talk on tape by Brenton Yorgason about marriage relationships. He had been counseling a couple who were contemplating divorce. He painted them a picture of the Mesa Temple with a cactus in the foreground and on the only spike on that cactus was a glazed doughnut. When he presented the picture, the wife asked him what in the world that was on the cactus. He asked what she thought it was and she said it looked like a doughnut. He told her she was right and when she questioned why the picture included a doughnut he told her this: "The only things you ever tell me about your husband are what he isn't, what he is missing. I want you to focus on what he is. I don't want you to look at his hole. I want you to look at his doughnut. He is a good provider. He has never cheated on you... When you eat a doughnut, you don't worry about the hole, you enjoy the rest of it. I want you to try to do the same thing with your marriage." Apparently that picture changed the couple's marriage and their lives.

Message to my Children - In relationships, try to always focus on the doughnut and not on the hole.

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