Friday, June 27, 2008

Ant Island

For the past few mornings this is what I have seen in the cat's water dish when I have gone outside. It took me a while to figure out what it was, until I noticed that it was moving. It is actually a pile of about 100 ants climbing on top of each other trying not to drown. Apparently the ants in our yard get a little dehydrated while they are carrying off the cat food and have decided to try to collect water as well. As you can see, it hasn't been that successful of an attempt. My hubby informed me that an ant will actually sacrifice its life to build a bridge to cross water if it means that his companions will be able to cross safely. The bridge building endeavor seems to fall apart about a quarter of the way across the bowl. I think ants are pretty interesting creatures. It amazes me how they can be so small and still carry relatively large objects, such as cat food. It's also unbelievable to me how quickly one ant can let hundreds of ants know when they have located a food source. They have that communication thing down without the help of computers or cell phones. Talking about ants has reminded me of a funny story. At least it's funny now. A few years ago, about this same time of the year, a group of ants decided they wanted to invade my house. Every day I would find them crawling under my front door and into my abode. I would spray them with ant spray and they would be gone until the next morning. This went on for a few days and I was getting pretty tired of it. One morning, in my frustration, I grabbed the ant spray and really went after them. However, something didn't look quite right. In my haste, I had grabbed the PAM cooking spray and thoroughly coated my entry way floor. What a Mess! I guess it could have been worse. I could have coated my cake pan with ant spray. Here's my list of things I'm thankful for today. Water - I'm glad that I have water that comes out of my tap and I can just turn it on and get some anytime I want. I'd probably drink a lot less if I had to risk my life every time I tried to get a drink. Crock pots -I love my crock pot. It is so fun to put a whole bunch of raw food in a pot and ignore it for 8 hours and have dinner when you open it. Way cool!Sons - that are willing to happily go haul chairs from the church and set them up for a party the ward is having tomorrow at a member's home. Sometimes they are so agreeable and I love it.

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