Sunday, June 29, 2008

The hubby's strategy for feeling cool

So, I'm sitting next to my hubby in church today and I look down at his tie and I'm trying to figure out why all the cartoon characters are in little round balls and what is that funny looking green plant in between each ball? As I look closer I realize he is wearing a Christmas tie complete with holly and ornaments! You've all heard of Relief Society activities billed as "Christmas in July". Well, I think he was going for "Christmas in June" and definitely hoping for the cooler temperatures. I say, anything is worth a try. It is so HOT here. The air conditioning in the nursery room at the church was working right today though so that was a nice bonus. For about the last month we've had to push the over-ride button to get it to come on and that is suppose to last for 3 hours, but only lasted for about half an hour and then we'd have to push it again. Sometimes we'd forget and then all the sudden we would start getting really warm and have to push it and then wait for it to cool off. Not fun!

The 3 things I am thankful for today are Kids - I get such a kick out of the little kids in nursery and their personalities. They are so willing to let their feelings show and not at all afraid of acting silly. It's fun to have people to be silly with me. They make me so happy! The Gospel of Jesus Christ - I often become complacent about this great blessing and begin to take my religion for granted. I have enjoyed reading the blog of my daughter's roommate and son's girlfriend and seeing the church and all its blessings through her newly baptised eyes. It reminds me to appreciate what I have been blessed with. Air Conditioning - I can't imagine what living in Tempe must have been like before air conditioning. It's just way to hot to not have a cooling system to make life bearable.

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