Monday, June 23, 2008

25 years!

Today the hubby and I are celebrating 25 years of marital bliss. I guess we would both say that there have been a few days interspersed here and there that weren't so blissful, but for the most part it has been a pretty wonderful ride. Marriage isn't easy but I don't think anything that is worth a lot ever is. Marriage takes work and attention. It is easy to loose sight of how important our marriage is and sometimes we let it get pushed to the back burner. Earlier this year, we took a class offered by the stake that reminded us to put our relationship first and foremost. It was amazing how quickly our marriage improved when we were focusing on it every day. I am glad that I fell in love with him 25 years ago and I would marry him again in a minute. I love you my handsome husband. It's hard to believe that I have been married for more years than I was single.

Our kids made us a delicious dinner of steak, twice-baked potatoes, fruit salad and brownies and ice cream. They surprized us with dinner a few years ago when it was our anniversary and I loved the idea of them all working together and getting along while they accomplished a common goal. When we were trying to decide what to do this year I requested dinner, made by them, again. They are good kids and are four of the reasons why I'm glad I married their dad.

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