Saturday, August 30, 2008

Introducing Sally 2

Today I am the reluctant owner
of a new cell phone,
thanks to faulty pants pockets,
"wild" teenage driving and
my loving hubby.

I have a very difficult time with change
and have had the same style of cell phone
since I became a reluctant cell phone owner
back in the Fall of 2004.

I have actually had 3 different phones.
First my original plan issue.
Then my oldest son's identical phone
that I acquired
when he needed an upgrade and
I needed buttons that actually pushed.
Most recently I had the exact same phone
courtesy of my youngest daughter's
necessary upgrade to a sidekick phone
with a keypad
for easier texting and internet access.

I had a flip phone
(also a hand-me-down
from the son)
for a week
and I hated it.
I took about 200 pictures
of the inside of my pocket in that week.
I kept accidentally hanging up
on people when I tried to answer it
and the space button
and capital letter button
and puncuation button
were in different places
than I was use to
when I tried to text
and it frustrated me no end.

Now, I know all you
younger than 30 text messagers out there are saying
"You don't use puncuation when you TEXT!"
but I pride myself on my puncuation
and my complete words
and my capital letters
and my precise spacing.
That is why it takes me 10 minutes to send a
5 word text message.
That and the fact that I despise T9.

My husband was going to buy me
a new cell phone a while back
so we went to the T-mobile store and
looked at our options.
I thought I was going to have an anxiety attack
right there in front of the display cases.

So Many Choices.
So Many Bells and Whistles
and Cameras and Colors.
I had to get out of there and fast.
That's when I decided that
I could always scroll up so
I didn't really need a down arrow that worked.

I hate change
but now it has been thrust upon me
and I will just have to get use to it.

I couldn't even make myself go to the store today.
The husband went with 2 of the kids.
I made the hubby promise me
no flipping,
no sliding,
and no picture taking.

Just a boring new phone
like my boring old one.

My kids were so disappointed.
So of course,
the daughter had to purchase an upgrade for herself.

Today I am thankful for

a husband that will go buy me a new cell phone so "my heart doesn't have to go all crappy". That's what happens when I walk into a cell phone store, a car dealership or Costco.
a husband that is willing to be one of the few men watching a "chick flick" because that's the movie I wanted to see.
a husband who loves me even though I think too hard.

My birthmonth present to myself today was going to see "Mamma Mia" for free with my library reading program gift cards.

The new thing I learned today is that there are 293 ways to make change for a dollar. How many can you come up with?


mom of fab five said...

Ummmmm---the technology challenged would like a clearification---"What is T9?" and as you can tell I too like punctuation.....I also hate picking out new phones--and I tend to need one every few months--I did like my last one--virtually indistructable--only problem--it got lost....Sad day....

Dianne said...

T9 or predictive text is when you start entering a word and the phone thinks it knows what the word you are writing is and finishes it for you. Unfortunately, I definately do not have the same mind as a cell phone and my phone isn't very good at guessing what I am trying to say. When I use predictive text I just get frustrated and want to throw the phone at the wall.

Denise said...

so, Didn't you love Mamma Mia? I would love to see it with the girlfriends!! I laughed for 1/2 hour after!! It was great...I agree, let's see the play!