Friday, August 15, 2008

Visiting Teaching + Food = Feelings of Fullness

I think I have one of the greatest visiting teaching companions in the church. She makes me laugh, gives me perspective, worries about the sisters we visit and prays for them, has great insight, is one of the most compassionate people I know, always chooses to drive, buys me a diet Pepsi to end our time together, and is always thinking of creative ways to get our visiting teaching done. I love her Lots!

One of the sisters that we visit isn't always receptive to us coming to her home. If we do get in for a chat she becomes the queen of changing the subject. She is extremely knowledgeable and a bigger talker than I am, if you can believe that, and we always have interesting conversations, just usually not about the lesson topic. I have grown to love this sister as we have visited her and I really want her to have a more positive opinion about the gospel and its teachings. She was offended a couple of years ago and her feelings toward the individuals involved seem to negatively color all of her ideas about the church.

We have found that an invitation to meet for lunch is the best way for us to get together and my companion has set up a standing date with her the 3rd Friday of the month at Sweet Tomatoes. We try up until then to schedule an in home visit, but if we can't succeed we always have our lunch appointment as a back up. My companion also spends Friday afternoons with another sister in the ward who has some health problems and cannot stay home alone. She is part of our 3rd Friday outing and today one of her visiting teachers (who also happens to be my visiting teacher) joined us as well, so we had a really fun, visiting teaching group and discussion.

We were able to share insights and ideas on how knowing that we are daughters of loving heavenly parents helps us in our daily lives. I really needed to be reminded of the truths taught in this message. Things like:

I received my first lessons in the world of spirits from my Heavenly Parents.

Wow, I wish I could remember my Heavenly Father and Mother instructing me and preparing me for my earthly school. What an awe inspiring thought!

" need to drink in deeply the gospel truths about the eternal nature of your individual identity and the uniqueness of your personality. You need, more and more, to feel the perfect love which our Father in Heaven has for you and to sense the value he places upon you as an individual."

It is amazing to me how individually and personally my Heavenly Father knows me. My needs, my strengths, my weaknesses, my unique personality. I feel his love and recognize his hand in my life in so many ways. I am so grateful for the gospel truths that I have been taught throughout my life and for the personal testimony of them that has come as I have grown and matured and been blessed with opportunities that have humbled me and helped me to look deeper for the Tender Mercies that are evidence of God's knowledge of and love for me.

One last thought that struck me from this message as I have been pondering the Olympics this week and so many individuals quest for the Gold.

You are a treasured child of the promise. If you will keep the Lord's statutes and commandments and hearken to His voice He has promised that he will make you high above the nations in name and honor and praise.

We can all be winners!

Today I am thankful for

lastings friendships that I have built through Relief Society.
A weekend to look forward to.
Inspired leaders who write visiting teachings messages to teach and uplift me.

My birthmonth present for today was an evening alone with my husband without any kids.

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