Thursday, August 14, 2008

In the News

We get the newspaper in my home because of me.

I am the one who orders it
and I am the one who reads it.

My mom is a newspaper reader
so I must get it from her.
She sometimes reads the newspaper back to front
and I use to laugh at her because of it.
Now sometimes I catch myself
reading the newspaper back to front.

Recently my newspaper made some changes
and the front page is now
"magazine" style instead of "newspaper" style.

I didn't like it at first.

It bugged me.

Now I like it better though
because it is easier to read that way.
Especially when you are sitting in a chair
and not at a table.
Now it bugs me that the rest of the newspaper
is still newspaper style.

Another thing that bugs me is that the comics
and the Sudoku puzzle
are now in the sports section.

I read the newspaper.

My sons read the sports section
and it has a habit of disappearing.

Actually, it doesn't disappear.
I know exactly where it is -
on the floor in their bathroom.

It just makes it more difficult for me
to read that section
(and do MY sudoku)
when it's not with the rest of the paper.

There are certain parts of the paper
that I read in depth,
parts where I browse the headlines and
parts that I pretty much ignore.

This morning I had read most of my newspaper
and I had learned some interesting things
and had had some profound thoughts.

If underwear is worn as outerwear,
which is apparently the new trend,
does it then cease to be underwear?
What do we call it then?

If the minorities in the US
become the majority of its citizens
then are they still considered minorities?

Today the National Archives released
the OSS (Office of Strategic Services)
personnel files of 24,000 individuals
who served the US in an international spy ring
during World War II.
This organization was a precursor to the CIA.
Some of the names on the list
were famed chef Julia Childs
(the oldest son performed
a very entertaining impersonation
of "Julia the Spy"
after I shared this information with him.),
supreme court justice Arthur Goldberg,
and two of President Theodore Roosevelt's sons,
Quentin and Kermit.
I get a laugh out of "Kermit the Spy".
For some reason I picture him wearing green
and infiltrating Ireland.

The average valley household in the Phoenix area spends $693 on alcohol in a year.
I wonder where my $693 dollars went?
I certainly didn't spend it on alcohol.
I probably spent it on diet soda. Is that any better?

Cindy McCain suffered a mild sprain to her wrist
when someone was a little zealous
in the hand shaking on the campaign trail.
We need to get her coming to a Mormon church
to build up those hand shaking muscles.

A father accidentally ran over his daughter.
Sad, but it sometimes happens,
just usually not when the daughter is 21 years old.
Makes the "accidental" part
a tiny bit harder to believe
for a mother of adult children.

I learned a new term - Staycation.
This is when gas costs so much that you choose
to have your vacation very close to home.

I was just finishing up my reading and
getting ready to do MY sudoku
when the eldest son absconded with the sports section.

Since I was feeling lazy and
not wanting to do anything productive
I decided to read some of the newspaper
that I don't frequently read
while I waited for him to finish.

I chose the Legal Notices.

Who really reads the legal notices?

I hope John Doe does
because almost everyone of them pertains to him.
How do you think "John Doe"
became the fictitious name of choice?
Do you think there are any
actual John Does in the world?
Why in the legal notices are
women referred to as "John" Doe as well?

I also hope dead people read the legal notices
because if Clarence King (deceased)
fails to personally appear
at the appointed time and place,
without good cause
(is being dead considered good cause?),
his parent/child relationship
with his children will be terminated.
Wasn't there an angel named Clarence
that appeared somewhere
to someone once?
Maybe it's the same person and
he'll make an appearance in court too.

How can a corporation be a foreign corporation
if it was incorporated in New Mexico?
The name of said corporation is
Double M Mud Company
and the character of the business
it initially intends to conduct in Arizona is
"any and all lawful business
in which corporations may engage."
Sounds kind of broad to me.
What kind of business
does the Double M Mud Company actually run?
I don't think I would be so curious
if I hadn't read something
in another newspaper the other day.
(the Salt River Pima/Maricopa
Indian Community paper)
there was an article entitled
"Back in the days..."
The reporter had interviewed
some of the Elders (Senior Citizens) in the community
about what life was like when they were growing up.
I found this paragraph intriguing
"Mud was a delicacy;
when asked about it these women all said
it was 'good'.
Eschief said, 'My mom only liked the new mud.
Not just any old mud,
but the one after the rains
would drench the creeks and then dry up.
This is when it would taste like chocolate'.".
I think the Double M stands for Double Mint
and they are going to start selling
mud "chocolate" bars,
but not just any old mud - foreign New Mexico mud.
Keep your eyes open for them
the next time you go shopping.

I also learned,
while my son was reading the sports section to me,
(don't you hate it when
people read the newspaper to you
when you really just want to read it yourself?)
that I cannot say
"White Water River Rafting"
five times fast.
Heck, I can hardly say it one time slow.
It comes out
"White Water Wiver Wafting" every time.
This son has to make Wiver Wafting comments
every time he sees me now.
Try it. It's fun to say.

The last thing I gleaned from today's newspaper,
once I got the sports section back,
was that perhaps some professional athletes really are
as intellectually deficient as is sometimes said.
When Jose Calderon Manuel,
who plays for the NBA Toronto Raptors,
was asked about the publicity photos taken of
the Olympic basketball Men's
and Women's teams from Spain
in which they all made "slant-eyed gestures"
his comment was
"We felt it was something appropriate
and that it would be interpreted
as an affectionate gesture."
See what I mean.
Not so bright.
I guess it's now very definite
that I will never be a professional athlete.
I've gotten too darn smart
from reading the newspaper.


Jaron said...

You're just mad that you are not a white water wiver wafter so you can say whee. Can you picture Julia the spy infiltrating on a white water wiver waft? By the way there are zero newspapers on the floor of my bathroom so please do not blaspheme my name!!

Dianne said...

Keep up the clean bathroom floor you white water wiver wafter you.

grandmaC said...

I think there are better things that you learned from me than reading the newspaper backwards. I read the newspaper backwards because the obituaries are usually in the back and I read them first to see if anyone I know has died. Sometimes now I read magazines backwards too thought.