Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Dear Daughter!

24 years ago today
we added our first child to our family.
A beautiful, dark haired, darling daughter
that we had awaited with great anticipation.
It was unfortunate for her
that she was our eldest child
because that meant she was
also our practice child.
We learned how to parent
with her as our guinea pig.
I'm happy to say that she seems to have turned out
pretty great - despite all our efforts to ruin her.
I hope she is as lucky with her firstborn
as we were with ours.

Happy, Happy Birthday
Daughter Dear.
Happy Days Will Come
To You All Year.
If I Had One Wish
Then It Would Be
A Happy, Happy Birthday
To You From Me!

I just remembered where some of my
Olympic Issues got their beginnings.
This daughter was born during
the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles.
She was suppose to arrive on
August 1st,
but decided to be fashionably late.
I was miserable and
tired of being pregnant.
I had been having contractions
every 10 minutes for the entire day.
When they finally started to come
closer together
I was ready and anxious
to get to the hospital.
My husband was very involved
watching the Olympics.
As I recall
he very much wanted to see the
USA Women's Volleyball team play
their final game to
win the GOLD!
We didn't leave for the hospital
until we had watched them lose.
In his defense-
the contractions were still
5 minutes apart
and I was in labor
for 12 more hours,
after we got to the hospital,
before she was born,
but really,
no wonder I have negative
feelings toward the Olympic Games!
He's just lucky it wasn't beach volleyball.
I would have put down my foot if I had
to look at those skinny bodies in their bikinis.
They probably were more covered up
in 1984 anyway.
Today I am thankful
that I'm not in labor.
for a wonderful daughter who is another year older.
for another wonderful daughter who invited the boys in the family to her house for dinner so I wouldn't have to cook dinner when I didn't feel good.

I didn't leave the house today but my birthmonth present to me was to get to read a book. It was fun.

1 comment:

mom of fab five said...

Is that a scrapbook page that is done!! I remember those pictures loose a while back. Nice to see them looking cute!