Thursday, August 21, 2008

Would I Wear a Wig?

Today I saw a lady whose hair
was just a little too perfect.

I kept looking at her hair
trying to decide
if it was real
or a wig.

This got me thinking about wigs.

If I lost my hair for some reason
would I wear a wig?

This is a very interesting question.

My first response would be to say no.

I am not a person who is into appearances.
I am who I am and
what you see is what you get.

I don't really care if my hair is gray,
or needs cut,
or is missing.

Well, perhaps I care,
but I am usually too lazy
to do anything about it and
I think wearing a wig would
be the same way.

More effort than it was worth.

I have always said
if I ever have the chance
to create my own world
all the people in my world
would be bald.

Bald would be all we knew and
so it wouldn't be weird or anything.

Think of all the money we could
save on shampoo.

Think of all the time we could
save getting ready in the morning.
Just buff and go!

Think of all the long hair we wouldn't
have to clean up off the bathroom floor
or try to dissolve out of our drains,
or pull out of our food,
or brush off of our clothes,
or vacuum off of our carpet

I think it's an idea
that has merit.

But back to the wig question.

I also don't like to attract attention
and sometimes people notice
if you are walking around without hair.
Maybe for anonymity sake
I would choose the wig.

If I got a wig
would I want one that looked
like my natural hair.

Do people really buy
gray wigs?

Or would I want something
wild and crazy?
No, not wild and crazy.
Remember the wig is
so I won't stand out
in a crowd.

Hopefully this question
will always be a what if
What if you lost your hair?
Would you wear a wig?


mom of fab five said...

only when it got cold---well i guess that will never happen here in AZ and then if i was cold i could always were a hat--so i think the answer for me if NO! I like the idea of everyone being bald--but then you would be jugged on your head shape- or if it was as shiny as someone elses-always something to seperate us.

paula said...

We have a lady in our ward who buzzes her hair off. She is in her 30s and has had thin with balding spots for a long time and finally decided to just get rid of it and not mess with it. At first, it was different to look and her, but now I hardly notice. Once you are used to her look, that's just her. I have always wanted to get rid of my hair. What a freeing experience. Think how fast I could get ready. Don't think I ever will have the nerve, but someday.... super short, like 1/2 inch.

Janaya L. Johnson said...

i would wear a wig, cuz i like hair. also, it would be fun cuz i could have like 12 different wigs and i could just choose what color hair or what style i wanted that day. it would be exciting!!! haha.

Dianne said...

With hair like that picture I think maybe I would wear a wig too. (: Who knows, maybe buying wigs would end up being cheaper than dying your hair every week. Just remember, I would love you with a wig, I would love you with a pig, I would love you daughter dear, I would love you never fear!!!