Sunday, August 17, 2008

Day of Rest?

If Sunday is the day of rest then why am I so tired?
I am tired.
So, so tired.
Physically tired from a busy, busy day in Nursery.
We had 14 children today and they kept us all very, very busy.
So many kids.
I kept losing one of them.
He is the littlest and he seemed to just blend into the crowd.
One time he was under the table.
One time he was sitting in a chair, right where he was suppose to be, eating crayons.
Usually he was in the arms of any male who happened to be standing up or passing through.
For some reason we had a lot of people standing in nursery or passing though today.
With that many kids it was hard for me to feel like I was giving each child the attention that they deserved and demanded.
Even with 3 teachers and a visiting Great Aunt the adults were all kept very busy.
It was hard work!
One of my friends gave me a plaque that says, "Be thankful when you are tired and weary. It means you have made a difference." This friend was the nursery leader right before the hubby and I were. Perhaps she remembers that exhausted feeling that accompanies a busy day in nursery and hopefully I did make a difference in these children's lives today.
Even though it was tiring , I find that I love each one of these little children more each Sunday. They all have little things about themselves that endear them to me. I do believe that it is true that we love those we serve and nursery is definitely a service calling and I absolutely love the children in our nursery.

I'm also tired of feeling yucky.
So, so tired.
I just want to feel good and be able to accomplish something, anything, besides what absolutely has to be done.
My house is falling apart.
My attitude is falling apart.
I am falling apart.
Today during Sacrament meeting I was thinking about how tired I felt and the scripture from Matthew came into my mind.
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28
Do I really believe that?
What does this scripture really mean and how do I tap into that rest that Jesus Christ is so willing to give?
The atonement of Jesus Christ can give me the strength, His strength, to hold on and make it through.
In October Conference in 2006 Elder Dallin H. Oaks shared this counsel:
"Commune with the Lord. … He is your best friend! He knows your pain because He has felt it for you already. He is ready to carry that burden. Trust Him enough to place it at His feet and allow Him to carry it for you. Then you can have your anguish replaced with His peace, in the very depths of your soul”
I need to be willing to let go of my problems enough to trust that my Savior will help me over come them or give me the power to endure them. I don't need to be weary if I will trust in the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I can lean on him and receive the rest that I so desire to find and that he so freely offers.
This sounds simple enough. Maybe tomorrow I won't be too tired to try it out. Right now all I want to do is take a nap.

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