Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My Son's First Driving Casualty

My 16 year old was involved in a hit and run today. The worst part was, I was in the car with him at the time and I didn't even realize that it had happened. It wasn't until we got to our house that I realized something was even wrong. We quickly returned to the scene. But it was too late for the victim. Parts of her were strewn all over the asphalt. My son attempted to resuscitate her, but she was too far gone. Even his magic fixing skill was not enough. Sally the Cell Phone is no more. At least we don't have to report this accident to the insurance company. I guess I know what I want for my birthday now! Today I am thankful for cooler temperatures and RAIN. for washing machines. I wouldn't want to wash clothes with a rock and a bar of soap. that the driving casualty was a cell phone and not a car or a person. My birthmonth present today was not having to drive anyone to or from work. All the cars kept running for another day. Keep your fingers crossed.


mom of fab five said...

glad to know that i am not the only person who has cell phone issues...love to hate that devise. So did you change your font size so your visually impaired friends can read it? (i would've said blind but that is not PC) And maybe your phone was just trying to ends its life--it has been a rather long one...

Dianne said...

I don't know what my blog is doing. it just likes to randomly change size and I can't figure out what causes it or how to fix it. First it's too big. Then it's too small. Any suggestions??