Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Family Life Merit Badge

Tonight in Young Men
our youngest and his peers
worked on the Family Life Merit Badge.

This merit badge and
an Eagle Scout Project
are the only two things
standing between this son
and his Eagle Scout Rank.

During the evening he was asked to:
List 10 reasons you are important to your family.
He came up with two that I fell privy to,
from a peer, not from him.
1. Comic Relief
2. Good Looks

When I heard about his response
I did laugh.
I'm not sure if I laughed
because of the Comic Relief comment
or the Good Looks one.
Anyway, he does contribute
Comic Relief to our family.
I won't mention that sometimes
it is because of him
that we need it.
Oops, I guess I just mentioned it.

I am his mother
and of course I think he is good looking.
I'm just not quite sure why
that makes him important to our family.
Is he trying to say that it is
only because of him
that the camera doesn't break every time
we take a family photo?

I found his paper where he had recorded his responses
and he had one more listed.
3. Protection

I guess he is getting big enough that
he could protect me if he had to.
I hope he never has to.
I know he is willing to stand up for
what he believes in and by doing so
he is protecting our family
and the values that we have.

I personally thought he would have written down
4. Slave Labor

but perhaps I haven't been demanding enough lately.
He does provide slave labor for me
and even his siblings sometimes,
usually not by choice.
I know from experience that this
is the job of a youngest child.

I have decided to come up with the other 6.
5. Affection

He is still willing to show affection
to every member of our family.
Even his mom.
Even in public.

6. Youth

He helps keep me and the hubby young
by involving us in his school
and church activities
and by challenging us to
one on one basketball games.
The hubby takes the challenge
more frequently than I do.
He is willing to show me how to work
the computer or my cell phone
and other new technology
when I feel old and stupid.
He also explains to me what all
the current words and phrases
teenagers use mean.

7. Hard-worker

He has the strength and the stamina to
complete a lot of the hard labor around our home
when the rest of us start fizzling out.
On the youth trek this past spring
his pa refered to him as the work horse.
When he puts his mind to it
he is a very hard worker.

8. Knowledge

Even though he sometimes tries
to keep it a secret
he is one smart cookie
and he has a lot of information to share
both intellectual and spiritual.

9. Enthusiasm for Family Traditions

He is the family member
who always wants to get out
the Holiday decorations and
have family activities.

10. Helpful

He can be the most helpful
member of our family
when he chooses to be.
I just wished it happened
a little more frequently. (:

This young man is an important
part of our family
and I hope he knows it.

Today I am grateful for

Young Men Leaders who encourage my son to work on merit badges and to earn his Eagle Scout rank.
My children who are all important to our family.
Four movie passes that I won as the door prize at tonight's Indian Education parent meeting.

Today's birthmonth present to myself was a trip to the public library. I think libraries are one of the greatest inventions in the whole wide world.

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