Sunday, August 24, 2008

Shove It Up Your Nose

My youngest son has sinus problems.
Always has, probably always will.
He gets them from allergies
which he gets from me.

Today one of the men at church
told him he should put water up one nostril
and then let it run out of the other side.
He said he does it and it really helps.

We have such interesting
dinner time conversations.

I told the son that I had just read about that in the newspaper.
It is called nasal irrigation
and it really is supposed to make a difference.

I couldn't quite remember how to do it
or what to do
and he and his brother were convinced
that it would just run down your throat
and that would be GROSS!

Like having water run out of your nostril
isn't gross.

We started joking around that
there was probably a video on You Tube
about how to do it.

Of course, the teenager
had to jump up and go check.

Sure enough,
there are lots and lots of videos demonstrating
the proper technique of nasal irrigation.
In different languages even.

Well, we are sitting in the dining room
and the son is yelling directions from the computer.

"The guy in the movie is using a tea pot."

This of course produces the vision in my head
of my son pouring boiling water into his nose.

That's a pretty painful vision.

"You can use a syringe.
Just shove it up your nose."

Another painful vision enters my mind
along with memories of one of my favorite Jr. High comebacks -
"Just shove it up your nose." Which I think is a derivative of
"Up your nose with a garden hose.
Another favorite childhood saying
that conjures up more painful pictures
in my head.

The yelling and the visions continue
until we are all laughing too hard to talk any more.

They say You Tube is cheap entertainment
but who would have guessed that a movie about
nasal irrigation could be that funny!
I will warn you though,
it is a lot more entertaining
when you just discuss it and imagine it.

Don't really watch it.
Seeing water run out people's nostrils
is just plain gross.

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