Thursday, July 24, 2008

Happy Pioneer Day!

Living in Arizona it is sometimes difficult to remember Pioneer Day since it is just another day of the week here and nothing special. I was reading a friend's blog and was grateful for the reminder she gave me that today was a day for reflection. I am grateful for my pioneer ancestors, the Smiths, the Cheevers, the Braithwaites, the Martells, the Stokers, the Rileys ... all those that were probably afraid, but were still willing to take a step (or 2 or 3 or thousands) into the dark because of the faith they had in Jesus Christ and His restored gospel. I often wonder where I would be and what my life would be like if it were not for them and their faith. Did they realize how many lives they would impact when they took that first step? I have been listening to a CD about faith by Jack Christianson. He asks a question in this talk that has caused me to pause and think. "What have I done today in faith?" What choices do I make every day because of faith? Do I read my scriptures because I have faith that it will make a difference in my day and my life? Do I say my prayers having faith that my Heavenly Father is there listening and wanting to bless me? Do I get out of bed with faith that I will eventually feel better if I just get up and make an effort to do something? Do I let my 16 year old get behind the wheel of our van with faith that we will reach our destination safely? Will the choices I make in faith today make a difference in the lives of those that come after me? Do I have faith that they will? Not all pioneers lived a hundred years ago. There are pioneers all around us. My friend's mother has cancer and she is in the process of having her stem cells harvested so she can beat this disease. She is grateful for medical pioneers who spend their time and energy in looking for ways to fight other people's battles. The pioneer that has touched my life the most this year is my son's girlfriend, who is also my daughter's roommate.

She has recently taken a huge step in faith. She made the decision to join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and was baptised despite opposition from her family. She had faith that this decision would make a positive difference in her life. I sometimes wonder if I would have had the courage and the faith to join the church if I had not been blessed to be born into a family that had already found the gospel. I admire the pioneer spirit I see in this young woman.

I am grateful for all of the pioneers in my life. Hopefully I can remember their faith and follow their example. I really liked the thought my friend ended her blog for today with. I will steal it to complete mine as well.

"Thank heaven we can look backward to remember, forward to hope and be present to find peace and joy!"

I hope you remember what I'm thankful for today from reading this blog. I'm too lazy to write them again.

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