Friday, May 29, 2009

Photo Radar

Photo Radar seems to be a hot and controversial topic in Arizona. We have had photo radar on one stretch of freeway as well as at numerous traffic lights throughout the valley for several years. In the past year they have put in a lot more cameras on the freeways and have put up speed cameras on city streets. There are certain intersections and streets that are almost constantly putting on a light show with all the flashes that go off.

There are many Arizonians who hate photo radar. They say it is illegal. They say it is an invasion of privacy. They say the way the tickets are served makes them invalid. At Christmas time someone dressed up like Santa and covered many of the cameras on the freeway with cardboard boxes. Not too long ago a man working in a photo radar van was shot and killed by a disgruntled member of the community. Lucky for the police the camera took his picture and they were able to catch him.

Now, I will be the first to admit that I don't always observe the speed limit. I have received more than one speeding ticket in my lifetime. I don't usually speed because I am in a hurry. I speed because I am easily distracted and forget to notice how fast I am actually going or what the current speed limit actually is. I do try to be a law abiding citizen. With that said, I really don't have a problem with photo radar. I think if I am breaking the law then I deserve to face the consequences of my behavior. I don't feel that it makes any difference whether I was caught by a camera or an actual person. Do I like to get speeding tickets? Of course not. Do I like paying close to $200 to go to traffic school so the points won't go on my record? Not at all. I think that most of the people who complain about photo radar are just whiny babies who don't like to be held accountable for their actions. It bugs me that so many individuals find ways and make excuses to get out of having to pay the tickets they have received.
Perhaps you have figured out by now what this blog is leading up to. Someone in our family got a photo radar ticket recently and we received the picture in the mail today.

I like the way they bubbled me and the son out of the picture (just in case that wasn't his wife that was riding in the passenger seat). Plus, it made a great spot for me to add a caption.

In the hubby's defense, the spot where he got flashed the speed limit is 35 and it seems like a dumb place for it to be that low. I have driven past this spot when it felt like I was in the middle of an electrical storm there were so many pictures being taken. However, he is willing to accept the consequence of his action regardless.

Today I am grateful that

the youngest son's report card was better than expected. At least he passed all his classes. (He lucked out that it arrived in the mailbox on the same day his dad's speeding ticket got here. That took a little pressure off of him.)
I wasn't the one who got the speeding ticket this time.
I am willing to accept consequences for my actions without too much whining (most of the time) and that my husband is too.

One year ago today - Fun with the Ladies, Lunch in a Truck.

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