Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Retro TV

My hubby has been really concerned about the TV in our bedroom not having a converter box. I thought we had decided that he could watch TV in the family room on our new digital television and just use the set in the bedroom for DVDs, but apparently I was mistaken. Over the weekend he took a trip to Target and purchased a converter box, at full price . After he got it all hooked up he was excited to check out the additional channels that we could now pick up. His favorite is the Retro TV channel. This channel shows some of his favorite old TV programs. As "luck" would have it, on Sunday night he starting coming down with a cold and was too sick yesterday and today to go to work, which gave him lots of Retro TV watching time.
This afternoon he was watching "Emergency". This is a show I remember watching, and enjoying, during my youth. I sat down and watched for a few minutes. I don't even remember for sure when this series was originally broadcast, but obviously it was quite a while ago.
In one scene Roy and Gage are flagged down by a woman and drug through a parking lot to a locked car. There is a group of women gathered around the vehicle and a small child laying in the back seat not moving. One of the women says that she saw the child when she went into the store and now he is still in the car 30 minutes later when she came out. The paramedics stand there trying to decide how to get the door open. They stand, they debate, they stand, they determine that the roof of the car is hot, they stand, they look for a hanger, they find a hanger and try to unlock the door, and try, and try some more. Eventually the door is open and the child is picked up. He wakes up and begins to cry, but appears to be fine. Wet and smelly, but not hot to the touch. The women all leave and Roy and Gage are standing there holding a screaming baby. About that time the mother comes out of the beauty parlor and begins to berate the men for opening her car and touching her child. They are all apologetic, give her the child and leave.
Perhaps it's just because I live in Arizona, where cars heat up like ovens, but I think in 2009 that mother would have been charged with child endangerment. Also, I have watched firemen break into a car in a parking lot with children locked inside and they didn't stand around trying to decide how to do it. They broke the window. However, the mother was standing next to them and most likely gave them permission. She wanted her kids out of that car. Apparently she put the baby in the car seat and went around to put the 2 year old in his car seat and he locked the doors while she was going around.
Another story was about a man who was faking illnesses to get to stay in the hospital and enjoy the food and attention he received. When they finally figure out that he isn't sick and has a history of hospital stays with fake diseases they confront him. He says he hasn't broken any law. In 2009 I think his behavior would be considered insurance fraud and he'd probably be in some serious trouble. It's interesting how things have changed over the years.

Today I am grateful for

an A and a B on the two finals the youngest son took today.
a fridge full of groceries.
cough syrup.

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