Monday, May 25, 2009

Flying the Flag

For quite a few years now our scout troop has posted flags in neighborhood yards on holidays as a fund raiser for scout camp. The sons, the hubby and I have all taken our turns getting up early on holiday mornings and driving around the neighborhood searching for the tiny PVC pipe flag holders often hidden in the various subscriber's front yards. We have all lived through it. This morning when I walked outside and noticed the flag flying in our neighbor's yard I will admit that I was grateful that my sons are both too old to have to put up flags anymore.
Every year I have declined the offer by various scouts to place a flag in my front yard. For some reason this is a fund-raiser I have a problem with. I firmly believe that each home in the United States should own an American flag and be responsible for flying it on national holidays. I don't feel that this is a scout responsibility. I feel it is an American privilege.
I remember as a child standing at attention, with my hand over my heart, as my brother raised or lowered the flag on the flag pole in our front yard. I was taught to respect the flag, honor it, and how to fold it properly. This was important to me and still is.
This morning when I saw the neighbor's flag I went inside to get our flag and put it up. I found the flag, but the flag pole was missing in action. I searched in every closet, behind every door, under every couch, but I couldn't find it anywhere. Finally, I sent the hubby to the store to purchase a new one. Soon the flag was flying and I once again felt like a grateful American as I enjoyed watching it wave in the breeze.

Today I am grateful for

sons who both worked very hard without even being asked.
the freedom I enjoy because of the men and women who have made sacrifices in my behalf.
the privilege to own and fly the American flag.

One year ago today - Frogs don't like Orange Peels

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