Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Boy oh Boy!

Today was the big day!
The oldest daughter
and the son-in-law
went to the doctor
and found out the sex
of their baby.
Even though I voted
for a girl on her blog
I am excited to add
a little boy to our family.

The daughter brought this bib
in a yellow bag to announce
the big news.

I'm sure he'll be a very charming child.

I've already been informed
that we need to start working on
a little boy quilt.

Today I am thankful for

a friend who motivated me to clean out my freezer and a working air conditioner while I did it. (This needs a little explanation. My friend called me today to say that she was cleaning out her freezer and found two, unopened packages of cream puffs left over from my oldest daughter's wedding. She wanted them out of her freezer so she brought them to me. I didn't have room for them in my freezer and couldn't just throw them away, even though they have been around for a while, so I cleaned my refridgerator freezer to fit them in. This was a project that has needed done for a while now, so I was glad to get it completed. The reason my friend was cleaning her freezer was because her AC hasn't worked for 3 days and she was looking for a way to cool off. I personally would have just gone and checked into an air conditioned motel.)
new scout pants for the youngest son that I didn't have to pay for.
an ultrasound with only good things to show.

One year ago today - Summer Reading Program


grandmaC said...

The announcement was darling, and we have been waiting with baited? breath to find out. A Litle boy will be fun, but our family doesn't have too many girls. Don't get too excited about making a boy quilt. He will probably have plenty for Arizona weather.

Danae said...

I think boys are ok! They do tend to be more abundant in this Cheever family!