Monday, May 18, 2009

Nicest Mom in the World

Today I went to the oldest daughter's Second Grade to help get some stuff filed and put away for the summer. It's obvious that I haven't spent as much time with this group of students as I did with her Kindergarten classes. Every time I arrive we have to go through the questions all over again. "Are you her mother?" "Are you sure?" "Why didn't her dad come with you?" "Are teacher's parents allowed in the classroom?" "How old are you?"
Today after I left one of the students asked, "Where did your mom go? Did she leave?" My daughter told him that yes, I had gone home. To that he replied, "She must be the nicest mom in the world. I didn't hear her yell once." Little does he know what I'm really like, but it's a title to shoot for.

1 comment:

Danae said...

When we were young and would complain about my m other she called herself the meanest mom on the mountain. That of course, is not true. I call myself the wicked witch of the East. I guess being the best mom in the world is a better goal.