Sunday, May 31, 2009

Funny Flashback

This morning when I went to the church to run off the bulletin I noticed that they had aerated the lawn and there were lots and lots of little dirt plugs all over the grass.

I kind of made a mental note not to go on a walk today during nursery because I could just imagine what our nursery kids would do with these little treasures.
Looking at these dirt clods brought back a funny memory. When my oldest daughter was in Kindergarten her teacher decided to have a peanut hunt for her students for Easter instead of an Easter egg hunt. A couple of parents and I took a whole bunch of peanuts in the shell and "hid" them in the grass at the park adjacent to the school. I thought it was kind of a healthy and unique alternative to candy or eggs, and a lot cheaper. It just so happened that the park lawn had been aerated a few days before. After the hunt, the kids were all quite disappointed when they tried to eat the treats they had collected in their Easter bags. Most of them had collected a lot more dirt plugs than edible peanuts.

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