Monday, December 1, 2008

December First

This is probably a December First first for our family -
the Christmas tree is up AND decorated.
Hooray for us!

This is the booking photo of the hooligans
I had to force to assist me in accomplishing this feat.

You would have thought they were part of a chain gang
from their lack of enthusiam over this annual holiday experience.
I seem to remember the youngest one
used to be over-flowing with excitement
over decorating the tree.
Obviously he has outgrown that immature behavior.
I did appreciate their help regardless.

Today I am thankful for

light. Little white lights that sparkle and make an inexpensive, well-used, artificial tree look beautiful and magical.
light. Electric lights all over my house that come on with the flick of a switch, usually.
light. My Savior, Jesus Christ, the Light of the World.

1 comment:

Angela said...

I love the tree! It looks like you are using the artificial ones like we do. They are cheaper, cleaner, and can't burn down. I am wondering who sits in the little wicker chair next to your tree.