Saturday, December 13, 2008

Ward Christmas Party

Our Ward Christmas Party was tonight. My 3 boys and I went, as well as the oldest daughter and her hubby. It was a pretty low key event. We started with a dinner of ham, funeral potatoes, fruit salads, and rolls. One of my beach friends even snuck me one of her delicious potato rolls that were hidden in the kitchen for the really nice people. YUM! After dinner the primary kids all went into a room and made Christmas crafts while the adults enjoyed a musical program. I gathered up my nursery kids and together we decorated paper Christmas trees with stickers. The trees were two pieces of paper with slits in them so they could be put together to become 3 dimensional and stand up. We decided they were easier to decorate in two pieces, but most of the kids were convinced that their job was to cover up the slits with stickers to hold it shut. Then to put them together we had to move all the stickers. The oldest daughter used the "I have to go to the bathroom" excuse to sneak out of the program and come in and help. We had fun and they turned out cute.

Some of the stickers ended up on other places than the trees.

Some of the littler kids got bored or lonely for their parents before they got their trees completely decorated. I had a helper who was more than happy to finish up all the trees with me. She was a sticker sticking machine.

To end the evening Santa made his appearance. I had a great time watching all the little kids sitting on his lap. They really know how to get excited! These pictures just don't show it.

Today I am thankful for

Kids that help me to be excited about Christmas.
Someone else making me a delicious dinner and all I had to contribute was a salad.
Young men who earn their Eagle Scout rank and set a good example for my son.

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