Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tithing Settlement

Tonight our family had the opportunity to meet with the Bishop and declare our tithing status. The youngest son looked at the tithing total at the bottom of the printout that his dad was holding and said, "Gosh, you guys could have bought me a car with that!". He has been doing a lot of wishful car pricing recently but I'm not sure where he saw a car that fit our "tithing budget". Perhaps a used car, very used, but definitely not the ones he's been looking at. As I thought about that I realized how glad I was that that 10 percent of our money went to the Lord and not for a car for our 16-year-old. I'm sure it's done a lot more good where it's at. I have had too many positive financial experiences that I attribute to paying our tithing to ever even question writing that check every 2 weeks or so. It is money well spent. I remember a tithing settlement not too many years into our marriage. We declared ourselves full tithe payers and the bishop challenged our declaration. Our tithing total that year was definitely not large enough to buy a car. I felt sad that the bishop would question our integrity, but that experience was a tithing testimony builder to me. The fact that we could live "comfortably" on that small amount of money, so comfortably that the bishop had no idea of our circumstances, was proof to me of the blessings that come from paying tithing. Now I wish I could figure out where the other 90 percent of what we spent this year went.

Message to my children - The number one best financial decision you will ever make is to pay your tithing faithfully.

Today I am thankful that

paying tithing has become a habit that I don't even question.
Heavenly Father keeps his promises.
my hubby has a job that allows us to fulfill our obligations and live comfortably.

1 comment:

Angela said...

I enjoyed your tithing settlement experience as I just had one myself on Sunday. It is a blessing to pay tithing.