Sunday, December 28, 2008


I went outside this morning
to go to the church and run off the bulletin
and low and behold
there was some extra white here and there in our front yard.
No, it didn't snow
(although it felt like it was cold enough
and I did have to scrape the frost
off the van windows before I could drive it).

Someone had decorated our yard with toilet paper.

Now, I know that people get tp-ed
when someone doesn't like them,
but I also know that people get tp-ed
when someone does like them.
What I don't know is
"How do you tell the difference?"
Like or Dislike?
Do you wrap the toilet paper
clockwise for like
and counter clockwise for don't like?
How about bows?
Do you tie bows in the toilet paper for like
or for don't like?
Perhaps it has to do with
the quality of toilet paper
which is used?
2 ply means like.
Flimsy 1 ply definitely dislike
or perhaps just frugal.
If some paper is
left on the rolls
so it is actually still usable
that probably means really like.
What does it mean when you add yard trash
to the decorating scheme?
Does this mean you cared enough
to add some special little touches
or does it mean
you really think we have a junky yard
and so it doesn't matter
if you add your trash to ours?

I have thought about this a lot today
trying to figure out if it's like or dislike
and still I'm not absolutely sure.
However I did decide
that anyone who will lovingly wrap
a little car up tight
on a cold, cold night
can't be a bad person,
so it must be like.

Today I am thankful for

my last Sunday afternoon nap for a while.
my grown up Nursery kids who are going to be Sunbeams next week.
baked potatoes.

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