Monday, December 8, 2008

Proof Positive

I've always heard it said, probably by my mother, that "housework won't kill you" but I've always been a little skeptical of this idea. I mean, why even bring it up if it isn't a possibility? I don't like to take my chances and that is why I sometimes (OK, often) neglect cleaning. Well, yesterday I was indexing some death records and ...

there it was! This woman died of Asthmatic Bronchitis but written under contributory is the dreaded word - HOUSEWORK. Click on the picture if you aren't sure that's what it really says.

See, I knew it could happen. With this nasty cough I've got right now it really wouldn't be in my best interest to attempt anything remotely related to housework. Oh, and just ignore the fact that this lovely lady was 82 years old when she finally succumbed to the effects of all that housekeeping. It could happen and that's all the proof I need.

1 comment:

mom of fab five said...

as i am reading your blog--i am avoiding the dreaded housework also--i think i better quit for the day lest i keel over.