Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Grass is Always Greener...

When I went on my walk today I saw these two horses that made me laugh. They were standing in a field full of tall green grass that to me looked like pretty great horse food, yet they both had their heads stuck through the fence and their necks extended as far as they could reach eating the grass mixed in with the weeds at the side of the road.

Silly Horses!

A lot of times I am just like those horses. I think that something that is just out of my reach looks so much better and would make me so much happier than something similiar that is more available.

Like at a thrift store. The items that are already in someone else's cart are usually "Just what I would like". I always wish that I had found them first.

Why do we feel that way? Some people would probably call it human nature but obviously it isn't just human nature. These horses felt the same way.

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