Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Eeewww! Gross!

Something I saw today brought back
a vivid memory from my childhood.

I have already shared with you
my friendship with the neighbor's cows
and yes, they were black and white
like this one,
only a little less black
and a little more white,
but the cow isn't what my memory was about.
See that small reddish colored rock
in the bottom right hand corner?
For those of you who don't know
that is called a salt rock or salt lick.
It is a rock that contains salt crystals
and it got it's other name from the fact
that the cows lick it
to increase their salt intake.
What I remembered is that the cows
weren't always the only ones doing the licking.
I can very clearly remember
the salt taste on my tongue.
What was I thinking???
Why would I lick that rock
that cows had also been licking??
I'd like to think that it was a dare
from a mean older brother,
but I'm pretty sure that it wasn't.
I seem to remember I just liked the taste.
I got licked by the calves often enough
that I probably felt that I had been
exposed to enough cow slobber
and had built up an immunity.
But, if the cow tongues aren't gross enough
it also appears to me that there was
plenty of cow dung to be had in those licks too.
Eeww! Gross!
This gives new meaning
to the word

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