Thursday, October 23, 2008

Yes For Marriage!

Tonight the hubby,

the youngest son
and I
had the opportunity
to volunteer
and make phone calls
about Proposition 102.

There were several reasons
why I wasn't very excited
about doing this.

#1. I hate talking on the telephone.
I mean absolutely detest calling
even my very best friends and family.
I think this is very close to a phobia.
Talking on the phone scares me.
My most fear-filled memory of my mission
involves calling someone on the telephone.
Weird, I know.

#2. I hate it when people call me about political issues.
I will admit I usually just hang up
when I receive political calls.

#3. This is a controversial topic in Arizona right now.
I am not a controversial person
(although my husband may disagree
with that statement sometimes).
I don't like to argue with people
and even though I believe strongly in
the importance of marriage
being only between
one man and one woman
I don't feel like I am very good
at expressing my feelings about
this Proposition in a clear and concise way.

I was afraid to do this
but I decided that sometimes
I need to be willing
to leave my comfort zone and
speak up for what I believe in.

With that long preface
let me just say
that I had a positive experience tonight.

Even though my heart
nearly pounded out of my chest
each time I dialed a number -
I survived.

I spent 3 hours making phone calls
and probably spoke to about
25 actual people.
Of those 25,
probably 10 of them
were wrong numbers,
a few of them hung up on me,
and the others were all
willing to tell me they were
voting yes on Prop 102
and were quite pleasant
while doing so.

It didn't turn out to be
nearly as traumatic
as I had imagined
and I even got my
very own Yes on 102 sign
for my front yard.
Another step out of my comfort zone.

Today I am grateful for

sons who are willing to help me when I need their help.
a husband that lets me volunteer him for things and doesn't complain.
the privilege to live in a free country where I have the right and responsibility to vote according to my conscience.

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