Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I've decided that perhaps
I should have my tongue surgically removed.

I'm thinking this would solve several of
my most pressing problems.
It would make it much more difficult
to eat
and to talk -
Two things that seem to be getting me into
a lot of trouble lately.

Perhaps I should just focus on
biting my tongue more.
If I bite hard enough
this could have the same effect
and it would probably be a lot cheaper.
Today I am thankful for
a sister who is willing to be my mom's nurse - still.
telephones that make communicating with people far away easier.
kids that ask my opinion and forgive me when I give it.


mom of fab five said...

hmmmm---I am sensing a story behind this one--inquiring minds want to know. I'll trade you dog houses if ya want--seems I am in one also.....

Doug Cheever said...

Who is the good looking lady in the photo? If you were to have your tongue removed then you wouldn't be able to whistle anymore so I wouldn't reccomend it.