Thursday, October 16, 2008

He Doesn't Bring Me Flowers...

When my husband and I were dating I lived in a house with 8 other girls. One of my roommates was being courted by a young man that had kind of a bad reputation and she didn't really know if she wanted to have anything to do with him or not. In an effort to sway her opinion he started sending her roses every day - every single day. We had vases of roses, in varying states of freshness, all over our house. One day I told my then boyfriend that these flowers were such a waste of money and also that I felt that this young man was trying to buy this young lady's affection. Little did I know that my boyfriend would take this comment to heart and it would have a noticeable impact on my future life. To this day he insists that I do not like flowers and that I think they are a waste of money. Now I will admit that I do think fresh flowers are not the best use of hard earned money, but every once in a while they are a nice gesture. This topic has come up in our home enough however that every once in a while now one of my children will suprise me with a boquet of flowers just because. These are courtesy of my eldest son.

Even though my hubby may not buy me flowers, I do know he loves me and he shows his love in many other ways. By the way, where my roommate was concerned apparently the flowers were a positive thing. She and the rose giver have been happily married for 25 years now and he turned out to not be such a bad guy after all.

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