Monday, October 20, 2008

My Birthday Present

For my birthday this year I told my friends I wanted money so I could purchase a specific item that I was looking for. I wanted some kind or cupboard/drawer/hutch type thing to put place mats and tablecloths in since I don't have a good place to store these items. I had been looking for something that would work for awhile and hadn't found it, thus the need for money and not a gift card to a certain place. On Friday one of these good friends called and told me she had seen something that looked like a possibility at Terri's Consign and Design in Chandler. I went to check it out and liked it, but when I realized that the price would drop another $30 if I waited until after Sunday to purchase it I decided I would like it even better then. I have this theory that if you pass something up and then go back and it's still there then you know it was meant to be yours.
Well this morning I had to go to the doctor to have some blood work done and then I headed to Chandler to see if I was suppose to be the proud owner of a "gently used" hutch. I showed my faith that it would still be there by switching vehicles with my son for the day so I could easily bring my purchase home in the back of his handy truck. Everything worked according to plan. The hutch was still there, the price had dropped, the cost was now $1.00 less than the money I received from my friends and I made a decision (a very difficult thing for me to do) and bought it! It is now gracing my dining room wall. Now I just have to decide what I'm going to put on all the shelves and if I want to change the drawer pulls.

I was feeling pretty happy with my purchase until I saw my friend's mom's house and the cupboards that she just put in in her dining room (which is the same floor plan as mine). These are the more updated and costly version of what I have done. They look great, but maybe it is just the fact that she has already decorated them and also has a cleaner kitchen in the background. This is what I can look forward to when I get rich (and buy a lot more cookbooks).

Actually, I am still feeling pretty good about my cupboard. I'm sure I will like it even more after I add some personal touches and clean the kitchen of course.

Today I am thankful for

a phlebotomist who was an expert at taking blood .
a son that lets me borrow his truck.
Good friends that give me birthday money.


mom of fab five said...

it looks awesome--a perfect fit!!! Now that you mention the drawer pulls i think i would change them...or not. I know once you get going it will look really cute! I am starting to find some motivation--slowly but surely

Mom Jones said...

I like it Dianne! It looks great there. I'm glad you found what you were looking for.