Monday, October 20, 2008

Barking Dogs

There are a few dogs that I associate with on my morning walks around my neighborhood. One of them lives just around the corner, at the beginning of my trek. I have never actually seen this dog, but I hear it every morning. First I hear its running feet traveling quickly across the yard. If I announce myself with a loud "Good Morning Dog" that's the end of it, but if I try to just sneak past the barking starts and lasts until I am a good block away.
Around the next corner there is a good-sized white dog that insists on letting me know he is there. He is usually getting ready to go for his own walk with his owner and she daily assures me that he is just being friendly and saying hello. He is pretty obedient and will sit and be quiet when asked. I think he just likes to talk. There are several other houses where the dogs let me know they can hear me and a couple of other dogs who are usually walking around the neighborhood on leashes. One of the walking dogs actually hops because he only has 3 legs, but that doesn't slow him down. I am not a huge dog fan. I don't dislike them, but I don't really have any desire to have one of my own. I am more of a cat person. It is easy for me to tell if a cat is happy or unhappy to see me. They sound different when they are being friendly. To me dogs always sound like they are mad when they bark Of course, their body language gives some clues, but I always vacillate when an unattended dog is loudly running toward. I usually assume that they come in peace but I will admit I always question their motives the closer and louder they get. I am big on talking to dogs and letting them know that I am a nice person and I have found that to be effective.
I can pretty much assume that the rez dog who gave me this welcome on my leg when I walked past his house a couple of days ago really was mad. Apparently he and his buddies don't speak the same language as the Tempe dogs and didn't understand that I wanted to be friends. I was tricked into paying attention to his biggest companion, who was standing in front of me, while he attacked me from behind and then ran off. I had a pretty good stare down with the 2 mutts that stuck around and I have to admit I did maybe kick one of them before his owner came out and called him off. I guess I'll stick to walking in my own neighborhood from now on. Apparently those Native dogs still hold a grudge against white people and I have to say my leg was pretty white before it was black and blue.


Angela said...

Did the dog bite you? Ouch! My girls are terrified of dogs. They think all dogs are out to get them, even when they are on a leash with their owner. I hope your leg heals soon, you could still be wearing shorts for a few months there in Arizona.

Jaron said...

well,well, i believe someone told you not to walk alone. That is also a pretty phenomenal photograph depicting your battle wound.

Dianne said...

Actually, I asked my son to accompany me on my jaunt and he said "no thank-you." I am glad you like my photo. I took it myself because the ones my son took made my leg look even fatter than it actually is and might have possibly shown a leg hair as well.

Doug Cheever said...

Just buy yourself a can of Mace and be the first to attack when a confrontation appears. The biggest thing I have against dogs is that we are forced to live with so many of them around us and many owners seem unable to train them to be more friendly. I also don't care one bit for the little surprises that they leave behind when they are taken out for walks. Too bad the owners themselves have so little training in the being considerate area and cleaning up after their beloved dogs.