Friday, October 3, 2008

Gosh! I Raised Me a Smart Boy.

Today I asked my oldest son to drive me through the drive thru at McDonald's. I wanted to purchase a gift card to include in a letter I was mailing. I looked in my wallet to see how much money I had and I came up with $15.00. That sounded like an OK amount for what I needed.
The son pulled up to the speaker and asked for a $15.00 gift card. There was a pause and then "We have $5.00, $10.00 or $25.00 gift cards." Without even hesitating my smart boy asked for one $5.00 and one $10.00 card. The employee seemed extremely surprised that he could come up with such an intellectual solution. If that isn't proof enough of his great brain he was also smart enough today to know that going to the temple is a great way to spend a day off of work. I told you, I've sure got me a smart boy.

Today I am thankful for

the peace of the temple.
a wallet with money in it.
my boys.

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