Monday, February 23, 2009

Orange Blossoms

My husband, 3 of our children and I moved to Arizona 20 years ago this month. This really wasn't a move I was excited about since I was leaving behind a lot of my extended family and many friends. However, this was where my hubby had a job, so I knew I needed to adjust and learn to be happy. It took a while for this to feel like home, but I did quickly find some things that I appreciated about my new residence. The very first thing I fell in love with following our arrival were the orange blossoms. I can still remember the evening when I walked down the street to the church to attend an enrichment meeting and was almost overwhelmed with the sweet, wonderful scent of all the orange trees in bloom. I had never smelled anything like it before. I still love to breath in that marvelous fragrance every year as Spring arrives.

Today my companion and I finished up our visiting teaching for the month. After we were done talking with our sister she suggested that we go out in her backyard and pick ourselves a bag full of oranges. She wanted the oranges off the trees before the new buds actually turned into blossoms and we were happy to be of help after all visiting teaching is all about service isn't it? I enjoyed the fragrant aroma as I stuffed my bag with large, beautiful fruit. After we left her home and were driving down the road those wonderful blossoms hit us in full force though. My companion and I took turns sniffling and sneezing all the way to my house and could both hardly breath by the time we arrived. Those orange blossoms may smell fabulous, but they sure set off my allergies. I still think it's worth it though.

Today I am grateful for

my son(s) that loves to sing.
free oranges.
boys that aren't afraid to watch "The Little Mermaid" for family home evening and enjoy it.

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