Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Most Likely Not the Last Time

So, after 2 hours at urgent care,
2 hours getting an x-ray,
2 hours trying to find
an ear, nose and throat specialist
that could fit us into their schedule within a week,
an hour filling out paper work
and then cancelling
the no longer necessary appointment
with the ENT specialist we found
since the urgent care doctor
got an appointment for us
with the specialist he recommended
who apparently was no longer
totally booked for the month,
and 2 hours visiting the ENT specialist
the final decision on the boy's nose is -

Yes, it is fractured in two places.

However, chances are good
that it could very possibly happen again
before this child reaches adulthood.

The recommendation is to do nothing.

Hmm... I'm pretty sure that's what
I suggested the night it happened.

I guess I'm glad to know for sure
that no necessary breathing apparatus
has been damaged
and that I am not just being
a cheap, neglectful mother
intent on ruining my son's chances
of ever finding a wife
due to his hideously deformed nose.

Oh, and the souvenir x-rays seem to show
a good sized brain in this boy's head
so maybe that,
in of its self,
was worth the time, money and effort spent.

Here is the nose before the break.

and here it is after

It does look a little different,
but rugged is a good look for men,
isn't it?
Perhaps if I teach him to smile
he'll still have a chance of finding a wife.

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