Saturday, February 14, 2009

How Does He Love Me?

I think perhaps the title of this post should be "Why does he love me?" rather than "How" because often I realize that I am definitely not the easiest person to love. I am grateful for a husband who is willing to overlook by many quirks and love me anyway, in his own way. My morning started with french toast lovingly prepared by my man. Later on in the day he was seen up to his elbows in the kitchen sink. How can you not love a man who washes dishes? His finale was taking my van to the carwash so it would once again be its beautiful, sparkly, valentine red.

To his credit he did ask me if I was interested in dinner out or a movie, but I don't enjoy fighting the crowds on this special holiday. I was totally happy to sit at home with my signigicant other feeling very content and very, very loved. Thanks Sweetheart!

Today I am thankful for

my sweetheart.
three day weekends.
events that get my whole family together.


Angela said...

When did you get the red Van? You had a gold one last time I checked.

Dianne said...

We got the red van in September of 2007, so technically it's not new and often isn't very shiny.