Sunday, February 8, 2009

Eighteen Months Old

In our church most parents look forward to the day that their toddler turns 18 months old with great anticipation. This is when their child can start to attend nursery and these parents can once again begin attending their classes rather than hanging out in the hall with a miserable child. I wonder if other parents, not Mormon, celebrate this milestone in their child's life? Our very young group of nursery children remind me every Sunday that this is definitely an age worth celebrating. Right now I am falling in love with this age group. Now, keep in mind, I only spend 2 hours a week with them so perhaps that makes it easier to enjoy them, but enjoy them I do.

These kids tell it how it is. Most of them without using any words at all. You know when they are happy with you and also when they aren't.

If they want something they go after it, with both hands and sometimes feet and teeth as well. When was the last time I wanted something that bad?
They are so comfortable in their own skin. They think they are handsome or pretty and like to flaunt what they've got whether it's a brand new pair of shoes or a face covered with various shades of markers. It's all "prity" to them.

These kids aren't afraid to admit they need comfort at times. It's amazing the difference a worn, fuzzy blanket can make. I think that we all should have a blanket to hang on to in life.
Learning is an adventure to them. They are so, so little and the world is still so new to them, but each week they all return to nursery with a new word or a new skill. Everything has to be examined, touched, thrown, and often tasted.

You can just see the wheels turning in their little heads.

Think how smart we would all be if we kept learning at the rate an 18 month old learns.

You might remember that at the start of January I set a nursery goal and estimated that it would take at least 3 months to accomplish it. Well, today it happened! All of the nursery children were sitting in their chairs with their arms folded for snack prayer - all 5 of them. I know it sounds like such a small step, but this group of kids is teaching me to appreciate little things. Now if one of them could just learn how to talk so someone can say the prayer.

1 comment:

missykac said...

Sounds like fun and "never a dull moment". Do the parents and kids look at your blog. They should!
Even if they aren't saying the prayer on the outside, they are in their heads. Be careful, if they can talk that adds all kinds of new worries. Enjoy the peace and quiet.