Monday, March 9, 2009

This is the Day

I am still plugging along in my reading of the Old Testament. I am deep in the book of Psalms at the moment and actually enjoying it. I will admit that I probably don't retain much of what I read because I read several chapters each day. I have decided that this may be my first time reading the Old Testament clear through, but it isn't going to be my last. This time through I am reading for the "I did it!" experience. Next time I'm going to go a lot slower and do more pondering, referencing and analyzing. I should probably be doing that this time, but I still want to accomplish the goal I set and I need to keep moving to finish all the standards works in the next 6 months.
Today however one verse really stuck with me. I know I have heard it before and probably even seen it decorating a plaque or two somewhere, but today it spoke to me. It is found in the 118th Psalm, verse 24.
"This is the day which the Lord hath made;
we will rejoice and be glad in it."
I was sitting in my living room welcoming the morning. Wondering how the day was going to unfold with my boys home for Spring Break. I was desiring some help in the front yard and I knew that they were looking forward to a fun break ie. no work. As I read this message it really hit me. Heavenly Father has blessed me with this new day. He didn't have to give it to me. I could have not woken up this morning. Today is a gift from my loving parent, he knows what it holds and no matter what transpires I should be grateful for it and show my gratitude by enjoying it.
Wow! I wonder what a difference that could make in my life if I greeted each new day with that insight foremost in my mind.
No matter what happens today I will try to remember this is my day and to be glad in it.

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