Thursday, March 5, 2009

Gotta Love Him

There are times when my youngest son and I don't seem to see eye to eye. When we have a difficult time agreeing on what's fair and what isn't. When we do things and say things in the heat of the moment that we regret later. When we might even raise our voices together, and not in song. Sometimes he is just plain annoying, but then sometimes I can be pretty annoying too.
But other times he makes me laugh. I asked the son to come and help me dry the van after I washed it, so it wouldn't get all spotted and this is how he decided to help.

I do love the boy and neither one of us is ever going to tell why the van got washed in the first place.

Today I am thankful for

moments when my kids and I get along.
Angela's bread stick recipe.
dinner as a family.

1 comment:

missykac said...

Gosh what would you write about some day if Jayce weren't around.
He's full of surprises! He does look hot in his new purple shirt.
Remember when purple was a girl
color? Oh well, that's why there
are teenagers and young adults to
keep us up to date and informed
about the latest trends. I agree
"Gotta love 'em". I love reading about their unique way of living.