Sunday, March 29, 2009

Oldest Kid in the Nursery

Most of the kids in our ward nursery are just barely two or younger. However, we have one little boy who is almost three. I feel kind of bad for him because he has to hang out with all these babies. He also has two younger siblings at home (along with a four year old sister) so he spends most of his time with babies. When last year's nursery group moved up to Sunbeams we got rid of the play dough, the puzzles, the stringing beads and some of our books that the new group weren't quite ready for, but that leaves this little boy sometimes bored with all the baby toys. He comes up with new and unique ways of playing with the available toys. Some which aren't necessarily safe or appropriate.
The other day when I was at the thrift store they were having a sale on their puzzles and they had a Noah's Ark floor puzzle that I thought this child might enjoy. I brought it to church today and he was excited to put it together. Unfortunately, our nursery princess (our only girl) was equally excited to pull it apart. One piece in, one piece out. We finally got it all put together and I went to grab the camera to take a picture of our accomplishment. When I came back he was guarding his masterpiece from certain destruction.

She looks innocent, doesn't she?

But as soon as she thinks no one is watching, out comes a piece.

We do have rules against sitting on the table, but this child was determined that he was going to get in front of the camera.

We put the puzzle away and our big boy decided he might enjoy reading books. This child isn't a big talker. He can talk a lot, he just chooses not to. It was fun to listen to him read this entire ABC book - A, apple, B, ball... complete with the entire ABC song as a finale. He is a great singer.

This is his little brother. In 4 months, we have yet to hear a word out of his mouth.

This little guy got all of his curls cut off this week and has grown from baby to toddler overnight. It's amazing the difference a haircut can make.

We only had 5 kids in nursery this week. It was so quiet at times it was almost scary.

This would actually be the oldest kid in our nursery, but his mean mom makes him go to his Sunday School class every week. He even promises to play nice with the babies and she still makes him leave.

Today I am grateful for

food. It always tastes better after fasting.
nursery children.
patient boys.

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