Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Friend Magazine

Two years ago when I renewed our church magazines I decided that we probably didn't need to receive the Friend magazine any longer. The Friend is the church magazine published for children. My youngest child was 14 at the time and I felt like we would be fine with just the youth and adult magazines. Every month for the entire year my youngest son would lament each time the church magazines arrived, "Why don't we get the Friend anymore. I really like to read the Friend." So the next time our subscription ran out I added the Friend back on. It has arrived with the others every month and I have placed it in the magazine rack by my chair where I read each morning. I don't think the son even knows it's there most of the time. As I was planning Family Home Evening yesterday I was thinking about the stories my daughter had used in her talk on Sunday from this magazine and how it is a great resource that I often overlook.

I pulled a few of them out and browsed through them. There were so many great stories and even suggestions on how to use them for a Family Home Evening lesson. I actually ended up passing out a Friend to each family member during FHE and we each chose a story from our magazine to share and expound on. If was interesting to see how we all chose a story that focused on love/service. I really like that the majority of the stories included in this publication now are based on experiences that someone really had. There are so many ways the children of the church are making good choices each day and I'm glad they have a platform to share some of these moments with the rest of us. It's once again time to renew my magazine subscriptions and I'll be including my $8.00 for the Friend. I've decided our family still needs it.

Today I am thankful for

Church Magazines.
Day two of the new and improved teenage mouth.
time to spend with my Relief Society sisters.


Angela said...

My daughter Holly loves this magazine. She grabs it from the mail pile and doesn't put it down until she has read the thing cover to cover. This month there are 17 CTR rings hidden and yes she found them all!

missykac said...

Did you know that you can get the Friend online? The website is www.friend.lds.org. They have stories read from the friend, activity pages for kids and helps for adults with sharing time and Primary lessons. I enjoyed the color online section. I've always loved to color. There is also an Era and Ensign website.