Friday, June 5, 2009

Temple Miracle Grow

Back in the middle of April I went and helped plant flowers at the Mesa Temple as a stake service project. I took a picture of the flowers a week after they were planted.

They weren't looking quite like temple flowers. They were kind of tiny.
Today the oldest son, oldest daughter, son-in-law and I went to the temple and this is what the flowers are looking like just less than 2 months later.

(I think this is kind of a funny picture. The siblings look like they are trying to hold hands and the son-in-law is alone in front.)

Here's another shot of the flowers.
and now.
and one more, before
and today. Where did the little purple and white flowers go?
The temple must use some great Miracle Grow, or perhaps it's their temple-made mulch. I'm wondering if my spiritual growth is that impressive when I hang out at the temple? Imagine how spiritual I could be if I lived there 24/7.

1 comment:

grandmaC said...

Kathy finally broke the tops off my tulips today and planted pink and purple petunias in my front garden. If we knew how to take a picture we would send you one, but I am afraid they won't grow as fast as the temple ones did. You'll have to come and see them after they have had a chance to grow a little.